Here are the final 20! Highlighted are some of my most important!
81. Have light hands when you set and heavy hands when you block.
82. Never mix ice cream and bad food the night before a match.
83. If you’re playing in a match, never leave the bench to get a snack at the concession stand.
84. In a tournament, it’s okay to serve the guy who’s cramping.
85. See the hitter hit the ball.
86. In passing, left is right and right is wrong.
87. Remember that success in defense depends mostly on how badly you want to keep the ball off the ground.
88. If a shot’s working, keep hitting it until they stop it.
89. If you’re not a natural leaper, write down 35 inches when asked for your vertical jump and then call in sick the day they test you. Or do the “Explosive Leg Development” workout from the Boston Institute of Jump to add a few inches.
90. Start a volleyball t-shirt collection for fun, not profit.
91. Never tell anybody you “got game.” If you do, they’ll know it.
92. When there’s no other option, use your feet.
93. Don’t go to bed at 6 a.m. before a 9 a.m. beach tournament.
94. Respect the pecking order at your local court. Challenge into the court at your appropriate level.
95. If there is blood on the net and you’re missing the fingernail from your right pinkie, admit to your infraction.
96. If you travel to a beach tournament with a partner 10 inches shorter than you who doesn’t have any shots, bring a Boogie Board so you’ll have something to do in the afternoon.
97. Read “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” to give you perspective when your jump serving is failing.
98. If you’re 5’5” and can’t pass, have your dad become a booster at the school of your choice. In the meantime, read “How to Pass the Toughest Serves” so you can step up your game.
99. Pronouce Karch’s last name properly. Not KA-RALLY or KA-RYE but KEY-RYE.
100. Play for fun.
Have a great day!
Lauren Sands
Read the whole list here:
This article originally posted on Volleyball Magazine (