Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Keep it simple - Food is fuel

If you’re looking for a quick fix, the latest trick, or the next eating fad, you’ve come to the wrong blog. But if you’re looking to change the way you look at food, to use food as fuel for your body, to feel better, look better and perform better, you’re right where you need to be!

That sounds pretty good doesn’t it? Look good, feel good, and perform well. WOW!

I’m not going to lie; the first few weeks may be hard, that’s normal. Your body is adjusting to something new! Your body also has to adjust from the addictive elements in junk food, a topic for a later discussion.

The best advice for me to give you on eating healthy is to keep it simple. When you go to the grocery store you should shop in the produce section, then the meat and seafood counters, then go to dairy and eggs. After this you may pick up some rice, beans or oatmeal but other than those items. There’s no need to go to any other aisles! Keep it simple. Why not the center isles? Because you don’t need anything from them, the foods in those aisles are simply empty calories. By that I mean they have nothing nutritionally valuable: no good vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, or complex carbs.

I want you to go into your pantry and take out that can of chicken noodle soup, or box of cereal. Take a look at the ingredients list. Does it sounds like a lab experiment or is it all ingredients you know and can find on a farm. (Remember keep it simple) If it sounds like a science text book, go ahead and throw that in the trash. While you’re at it go ahead and toss the Oreos as well.

Now don’t think that I eat perfect every day, to be honest I don’t. But I would say 90 percent of the time I do. And then when I do treat myself I don’t feel guilty. 

You’re not going to ever be perfect no one is. So don’t have a pity party when you cave in and eat some fried chicken or a slice of pizza. Please allow yourself some room to get frozen yogurt with your kids once in a while. I have learned if you give yourself some wiggle room it’s easier to stick with it. 

Keeping it simple is one easy trick to start on your path to eating healthy. I challenge you to look at every single ingredient of everything you eat this week. I know that sounds so tedious but I promise you once you start realizing what is going into your body you will want to keep it simple.

“It's not about perfect. It's about effort. And when you bring that effort every single day, that's where transformation happens. That's how change occurs.”

― Jillian Michaels

Have a great day!


Leslie Faust

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