Tuesday, August 13, 2013

8 Helpful Study Tips

Hi All,

As school starts up I want to bring up 8 Helpful Study Tips for Students of all ages. 
 1. Study Alone - it is best to either study alone or maybe pick one person that you can go back and forth quizzing each other. Three or more becomes a crowd.

2. Use Flash Card - re-writing all your notes will help with memory. This is also very good  for visual learners as sometimes you can remember the answer from just remembering the card. 

3. Do your "last chance study" TWICE - many times you have the best "last chance study" and wish you would have studied one more day. Now don't wish make it an expectation! Set your study deadline for a few days before then take a day break and come back to it. You will be amazed on how much will stick!

4. Schedule it - That's right! PEN IT IN! There is no erasing or booking anything else in that time slot. Doing this right when you find out your schedule will help you from disappointing people if you have to back out of plans to study.

5. Take a Break- Find a perfect stopping place (new chapter, new subject, etc.) Get up, stretch, write down anything else that is on your mind, get a snack and go back to it. Stay away from Social Media and sites like Pinterest as time seems to get lost...quickly! I recommend a 15 minute break for every two hours as anything more you lose interest in studying and anything less and you will feel like it was not enough!

6. Create Your Perfect Study Area - Make sure you select an area free from distractions and temptations. Select a comfortable but practical location to study. Stay away from computers (when not needed) as well as cell phones!

7. Prepare For Your Study Session - Have all of your items ready to go. Like to drink OJ at 8? Make sure that you have it ready for when you sit down at 7:30. Getting up right away or looking something can lead to distractions!

8. Get Sleep & Eat Healthy - You might be tempted to pull an all-nighter, but if you do, you will be hurting your chances of getting a good grade.  Get a full 8 hours of sleep, wake up on time and have breakfast so your brain is in great shape for your test. 

I hope all this helps!

GOOD LUCK THIS YEAR! May it be your best school (& volleyball)  year YET!

Have a great day!


Lauren Sands

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